Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pomegranate for Children - It Works

The pomegranate fruit is lovely and great fruit for children. My kids eat the seeds or sacs as it is or we juice it. Pomegranate is quickly becoming popular as a superfood because of  high antioxidant content.


Its round and reddish-pink, leathery and hard skin with  hundreds of small translucent sacs, which are also called seeds, filled with red, or sometimes pink, juice. These sacs are the only edible part of the pomegranate.

Children are usually attracted by the bright color of the seeds and enjoy their sweet  taste.



Pomegranate seeds are a great source of fiber, and the juice contains, vitamin C, potassium, iron, and polyphenol antioxidants, of which 3 types are particularly high which are  tannins, anthocyanins, and ellagic acid.


Eating Pomegranate

1.     Eat the fruit -  my children love the seeds


2.     Juice the seeds


3.    Buy pomegranate juice from the store – if possible with low sugar or no sugar – this is the easiest way and most enjoyable to quench your thirst.

Try this.  Click to find out more.  

4.     Sprinkle the seeds in yoghurt or salads or ice creams


5.     Marinate chicken and meat



Research has shown that the antioxidants in pomegranates may help prevent a variety of diseases and illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, cancer and high blood pressure. In addition, the B-vitamin folate in pomegranates aids the healthy growth of red blood cells and promotes good blood circulation. Also, the high content of fiber is extremely helpful.

A small reminder, the juice from the seeds can stain clothes. But its easily removable.

Like everything else, although there are lot of health beneifts, its always safe to consult a medical doctor before taking any execissive amount of pomegranate products, particularly if you are taking any prescription medication to avoid drug/food interactions.
How to Remove the Seeds

1.     slice the fruit into sections,

2.     submerge the sections in a bowl of water.

3.     with your fingers, roll the seeds from the fleshy interior.

4.     Scoop up the seeds with a strainer

Happy Teaching!

1 comment:

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