Stir Fried Vegetables |
What is stir frying?
Stir-frying involves frying and stirring food quickly and continuously over very high heat in an oiled pan.
It is generally a Chinese cooking technique but it has become a popular method of cooking over the decades. Stir frying is perhaps akin to sauteing.
Why is stir frying healthy?
Stir frying is a healthy way to cook. Stir frying is a technique that cooks foods quickly, using only a small amount of fat.
Typically, stir frying takes about 5 to 7 minutes.
Stir fry also emphasizes fresh flavors and textures, so nothing is overcooked.
Stir fry is also an easy technique for the beginning cook.
What can we stir fry?
Vegetables are definite. Chicken and fish are also great for stir frying because they are softer.
For stir frying, the ingredients should be small. Thumb size . Meats and vegetables should be cut into small pieces before cooking.
Thumb-size for chicken is a good way to remember the ideal size.
What do you need?
1. Wok
Wok |
2. Oil
A wok compared to a skillet is the ideal shape for preventing loss of heat at the edges and for distributing the heat among the ingredients. Its shape also helps reduce the risk of oil splattering, and it prevents the contents from spilling over the sides as you stir or toss them.
canola oil |
corn oil |
Quick Recipe for Stir fried vegetable
Half an onion cut in chunks
A little ginger and
2 or 3 pips of garlic either chopped or smashed
Some sliced red chillies for a little zing
Vegetables of choice – I personally love khailan, bean sprouts, asparagus and cabbage for stir frying.
1. Heat oil
2. Fry the onions, ginger and garlic till fragrant or brown
3. Throw in the vegetables
4. Continue to stir over high heat
5. Add salt to taste and you can sprinkle some sesame oil for aroma
Here are some recipe books for stir frying. Value for money.
US7.47 |
USD16.47 |
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